Sailboat Partnerships

If you are interested in sailing the Maine Coast and developing your skills without taking on the full cost and responsibility of owning your own boat, consider joining a five person boat partnership. Sailing Ships Maine offers carefully selected boats for sale to groups using a cooperative sharing model.

And Sailing Ships Maine volunteers support boat partnerships with instruction and technical support. We work to keep costs low and stress a hands-on approach to owning and operating boats. We currently have two boats which are dedicated to this model:

A Quickstep 24 called Puffin and based in Falmouth and an Ericson 32 called Image based in Belfast. In both cases, a 1/5th share of the boats cost $2,000 to purchase and annual costs are estimated at between $500 and $1,000 per partner.

Boat partners share the use of their boats and often enjoy sailing together.

FMI, email

Quickstep 24