Make a Gift - Help Change a Life

Sailing Ships Maine is a project of Sailing Ships Portland, a 501(c)3 organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law (EIN 47-3101784).

Maine’s seafaring heritage is one of our most enriching cultural, economic and educational resources. Sailing Ships Maine delivers an experiential sail training mission that builds upon this important history with contemporary programs that change the lives of Maine students who are otherwise disconnected to our maritime history and economy.

To achieve our goal, we ask you to consider sponsoring full or partial scholarships for students who do not have the financial means to benefit from these experiences. 

As a Sailing Ships Maine donor, you have the ability to change the direction of a student’s life by helping to provide them with the opportunity to go sailing for a week–or longer– on a tall ship.  You have the chance to spark a lifelong interest in sailing, to focus a young adult’s attention on the possibility of a maritime career and to help them absorb life lessons years earlier than their peers. Our programs are so impactful that that one of our leading Maine high schools has awarded Sailing Ships Maine 1-week programs a semester credit for a single week of tall ship sailing.

Please join us as a positive influence on this next generation of students by connecting them to an education at sea.

-Alex Agnew, President, Sailing Ships Maine