Sailing Ships Maine is a volunteer-run organization. Please join us!

Here are some volunteer areas:

  • Teach sailing to middle and high school students and adults. We need sailors who would enjoy teaching others.

  • Manage boats. We own and operate more than 20 boats and volunteers fix and maintain them while learning the skills of boat ownership.

  • Recruit students to sail with us. Adult volunteers bring in the kids.

  • Manage and Maintain Schooner Sara Jane and SV Brightside. This is a fascinating area for volunteers interested in woodworking, ship systems, paint and varnish and the skills needed to maintain classic sail training vessels both wood, cold-molded and fiberglass.

  • Raise scholarship funds so every Maine student can sail regardless of their ability to pay tuition.

  • Help with events such as Portland SchoonerFest & Regatta, Tall Ship festivals, individual ship visits, Saturday night sunset sails, our annual meeting and future events not yet created.

  • Help with Operations, finance, governance and program