COURTESY OF Picton castle
Vessel Type: Barque
Flag: Cook Islands
Homeport: Avatiu, Cook Islands
(North American Homeport: Lunenburg, NS)
Sparred length: 179’
Draft: 14’ 6”
Beam: 23’
Rig height: 97’
Freeboard: 7’
Sail area: 12,450 square feet
Power: 690 HP diesel
Hull: steel
The 284-ton barque Picton Castle is a traditionally rigged and operated sail training ship based in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada, but best known for her voyages around the world.
Over the past decade, the ship has made six complete circumnavigations of the globe, as well as a year-long voyage around the Atlantic Basin, two trips to the Great Lakes and numerous runs up and down the East Coast of the United States and Canada. Along the way, she has introduced more than 1,000 people to the challenges and rewards of square-rigged sailing. As a training ship, all those on board work, stand watch, and learn the ways of a square-rigged sailing ship. Onboard workshops are conducted in wire and rope rigging, sail making, boat handling, navigation and practical seamanship.
The ship is outfitted to the highest standard with safety gear and equipment. She is a strong, seaworthy home afloat for adventurers devoted to learning the art of deep-water sailing. In 2006, Tall Ships America presented Picton Castle with their "Sail Training Program of the Year" award.
Sponsored by Morgan Stanley Branch of Portland, Maine